Fishoal review

Social media, it’s how business is conducted these days. In fact, not just business, but virtually all walks of life are geared towards a social presence, and whether you like it or not, adaptation is essential and inevitable. We all saw the aftermath of Facebook’s 6-hour blackout, if that didn’t illustrate social media’s current standing then we’re not sure what will. But maybe, just maybe we’re in need of a fresh approach. Remember when the internet was used for finding answers to your questions? Fishoal is here to bring us full-circle, with a Q&A based social media platform! 

At the risk of being accused of reinventing the wheel, Fishoal has taken a pretty familiar concept but they have certainly created something of their own. If Reddit and Facebook had a child, with YikYak as the surrogate, then Fishoal is the finished product. Naturally, like all the major platforms, Fishoal is free. You can sign up using Google or email and your profile requires no personal details added, obviously you can share as many of your personal details as you like, but Fishoal does not require this aspect. We’re big fans of this considering the hubbub surrounding data mining. The interface is perhaps most similar to Facebook’s desktop but with a more ‘fun’ approach; it has a nice throw of colour across the different options you have, as well as being less cluttered.

To see what questions people are asking, follow different ‘Hot Topics’ which are housed in the top right of the page. You can now find whole discussions surrounding these topics, or ask questions yourself… see what people respond with. It’s like a much more focused Reddit. All the benefits of personal social media and forums rolled into one.  As well as asking questions, Fishoal also has options for posting photos and videos; and then there are more bespoke features like writing articles and creating live chats. All of these options are available at the top of the page, in your post-bar. We scoured Fishoal for a number of hours and found that although there is an active userbase, it perhaps hasn’t reached enough of a universal audience just yet to make it a go-to for question answering. Only time will tell. That being said, you can still follow accounts you like, see what questions they’re asking and answering and build up a network of Fishoal chums!

Fishoal on the surface is a good app, it’s useful for tech and software queries, for improving your brand, for finding out the best university to apply to, but ultimately we don’t feel it’s something we’re missing right now, it definitely lacks a big audience reach. We’ll be sure to use it, but only sparingly; it’s great that it’s free and simple, but it is in its infancy right now and requires more time for Fishoal to become what it wants to be. 

Not bad Fishoal, maybe just lacks the oomph it needs to take up a notch!  👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼/5!

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